What is Cupping and Why Should You Do It?

Cupping is an alternative therapy originating from China that uses cups to create suction on the surface of the skin. This therapy is used to aid in healing and increasing blood flow. Cupping is a helpful treatment for many conditions including:

  • muscle injuries

  • muscle stress

  • soreness

  • herniated discs

  • spondylosis

  • coughing

It increases the blood circulation in the treatment area helping to promote cellular repair.

Often cupping treatments are paired with other forms of treatment such as physical therapy and massage therapy to help speed up healing.

The treatment is performed using rounded glass or plastic cups directly on your skin that are manipulated by a healthcare professional to create a vacuum seal. The cups are typically set for a period of time between 5-10 minutes and then removed. The therapist may also perform active movements with the cupping on the skin to improve range of motion.

At Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness, our Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Marcello Sarrica offers cupping treatments at both our Brooklyn and Manhattan locations to compliment treatments and aid in a speedier and more effective treatment.

For appointment requests and questions about cupping treatments please call 347-560-6920.



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