4 Ways To Work Off That Halloween Candy


It’s Halloween, which means more likely than not, you’ll be sneaking in a few pieces (or a few handfuls) of candy. Those mini bags of M&Ms are harmless, right? That is unless you have twenty of them. Well here’s our take - everything is okay in moderation. Instead of depriving yourself from having any sweets this Halloween, from the rejects of your child’s bucket of course, indulge yourself with just a few sweets that satisfy you, or better yet, opt for healthier alternatives. In the event that you overindulge on Halloween, we’ve put together 4 ways to burn off your Halloween candy. 

  1. Reboot.

    The best way to get yourself back on track to a healthy is to reboot the next day. Sometimes we feel as though since we’ve had a slip up, what’s another day of eating what we want. Not true. Get back to eating health consciously ASAP to get yourself back into a good routine.

  2. Hydrate.

    Drink up! Drinking water helps you not only flush out toxins from your body, but it can help make you feel better overall. Doctors suggest drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.

  3. Up Your Steps.

    If you are part of the smart watch club, keep a close eye on your steps the next day. Make a conscious decision to increase your normal daily steps, even try doubling your steps, to compensate for the extra sugar intake.

  4. Clean The Yard.

    It’s fall, which means depending on where you live, leaves may be falling all around you. Take advantage of that and do your housework the next day. Get to raking those leaves up, or make a concerted effort to catch up on other work that needs to get done around the house.

All in all, do your best to make the healthiest options for yourself and your lifestyle. We hope you all have a faboolous Halloween!

-Sarrica PT


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