3 Ways to Prevent Lower Back Pain + 3 Ways to Get Relief


Lower back pain is one of the most common issues we treat. It can be tricky to get rid of lower back pain because it’s often caused by our habits, like poor posture, lack of movement, sleeping in less than ideal positions, etc. If you want relief, the best thing you can do is to combine pain relief methods with preventative measures.

Low Back Pain Prevention

  1. Move your body. Regular movement is important to keep your muscles toned and avoid muscle tension. A strong core is key to preventing back pain, so make sure you’re working your abdominals, obliques, and your back.

  2. Mind your posture. Take breaks throughout the day to check your posture and get realigned. You should also check your workspace if you work on a computer to make sure your screen is at eye level and you are seated upright in your chair.

  3. Check your sleep posture. Sleeping in a malaligned position can cause pain or diminished range of motion for days or even weeks afterwards. Here’s how you can improve your sleep posture.

Low Back Pain Relief

  1. Use a heating pad. This is a great way to relax your lower back muscles.

  2. Use an ice pack - Rule of thumb is if pain is severe and/or you are acutely inflamed use ice only for 15 minutes

  3. Stretch regularly. Throughout the day, take breaks to gently stretch your back. Cat-cow is a great one for lower back pain, as well as child’s pose and trunk rotation (laying on your back and rotating your knees to each side).

  4. Take a pain reliever. We suggest not getting into the habit of turning to pain relievers for lower back pain as they are a “band-aid” solution and do nothing to improve your lower back condition. However, pain relievers can be useful if it’s difficult to work or sleep. You’ll want to be mindful when you take pain relievers; because you don’t feel the pain as much, it’s easy to overdo it or forget your posture.

We also recommend making an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’re offering both virtual and in-person physical therapy sessions, and we can promise you’ll feel so much better after just a few sessions.


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