The 7 Essential Training Practices to Prepare Athletes for the Olympics
The 2024 Olympics athletes and their support teams are in full swing. In this blog, we'll explore some of the most effective training practices that can help athletes avoid injuries and maintain optimal performance levels.
Navigating HIIT Injuries
Elevate your fitness game while staying injury-free?. We’re discussing the most common HIIT injuries and how to navigate them. Optimize your workouts with proper form, smart progression, and strategic recovery to minimize the risk of injury. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to HIIT, these expert insights will help you push your limits while prioritizing your body's well-being.
Massage Therapy- How Much is Too Much?
As a Massage Therapist the most asked question by far is "How often should I receive a Massage?" There are many variables that can lead you to an answer. The answer depends on ones physical needs, pain levels, stress levels, emotional needs & of course the budget.
Don't Keep Injury Secrets!
Physical therapists are experts in dealing with injuries, but your PT can't help if they don't know about your injury!
Understanding the Role of Physiotherapy in a Swimmer’s Life
Sarrica PT performs different types of physiotherapy techniques that treat swimming injuries.
What Are The Most Common Olympics Injuries?
The 2022 Winter Olympics are officially in full swing this year in Beijing. It may be tough to keep up with the current stats on each and every sport, but they each have their own team of amazing athletes working hard and pushing their bodies to make it as far as they can in weather conditions that are not the best and at speeds far greater than the normal athlete.
Top 5 Warm Up Drills for Golfers Before Tee Time
Golfers will perform best when they stretch the muscles and joints that will require the greatest range of motion during the golf swing. Dr. Paul Nasri, PT, DPT and the College of Staten Island Doctor of Physical Therapy program are here to help. They have assembled the top 5 warm up drills for golfers to implement before they tee off!