Top 5 Warm Up Drills for Golfers Before Tee Time
Golfers will perform best when they stretch the muscles and joints that will require the greatest range of motion during the golf swing. Dr. Paul Nasri, PT, DPT and the College of Staten Island Doctor of Physical Therapy program are here to help. They have assembled the top 5 warm up drills for golfers to implement before they tee off!
Stocking Your Home Gym
Must have fitness and exercise items to have at home to keep up with your home workouts.
Recovery & Exercise
We’ve put together the proper recovery techniques to keep our bodies injury free. Why is it that no one ever thinks about rest and recovery when exercising? Here are the do’s and don’ts.
Commonly Utilized Fitness Tools: Part 2
As promised, below are some of the techniques that can be used with the fitness tools discussed in my previous blog post. Note that there are many different activities and drills that can be performed in addition to the one’s that I show here.